Thursday, July 26, 2007

Flowers in your hair and rings on your fingers

Jess and I are doing a study of Proverbs this summer and I am struck again by the richness of this book. Did you know that when God said He would give Solomon whatever he wanted, Solomon asked for a discerning heart? It’s pretty scary to think of what we might ask for if God gave us that choice.

In working with teenagers and their families for more than 18 years, I find that a missing element in their lives is discernment – common sense – good judgment.
How do children learn these things? As a parent we have been given an incredible responsibility of teaching our children the source of wisdom – the meaning of discernment – the importance of the truth. Have you asked God for a discerning heart?

When you read the first chapter of Proverbs it quickly becomes clear that living a godly life is not rocket science. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” It’s simple – just respect, reverence, be in awe of, honor who God is and obey His Word.

The Message says in Proverbs 1:7
“Start with God—the first step in learning is bowing down to God;
only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning.”

I have read verse 8 many times and thought of my own parents instructions but re-read that verse and think of what it means to you as a parent. Are you giving your children instruction that is pleasing to the Lord – something that they will hold to for a lifetime?

1:8 My child, listen when your father corrects you.
Don’t neglect your mother’s instruction.
What will they remember about your instruction? Do you feel the responsibility as a parent to be constantly in the Word – attempting to discern God’s direction for you? Do you know the Word well enough that you can easily teach your child TRUTH– not situational ethics – not “if it feels right do it” or “every man for himself” – but God’s TRUTH. You have to know it to teach it.
And then there is a promise –
9 Wear their counsel like flowers in your hair,
like rings on your fingers. (The Message)

We must be teachers and we must be teachable. If we do this, the rewards will come back to us in the form of children who love the Lord and seek to follow Him with all their hearts- like flowers in your hair and rings on your fingers.


Unknown said...

thank you for sharing this wisdom cindy.
i always assume that i am being "discerning" but i need to ask God for His discernment.
my children need this from me.
thanks for the clear word.
love you

Jennifer Bacak said...

Rusty and I have also been studying proverbs, and it is great!!! I am desperate for that kind of wisdom to pass down to my kids.