Thursday, September 13, 2007

Temperaments, Part 6: The Powerful Choleric

*Oh, how this world needs Powerful Cholerics!

The firm control when others are losing theirs.
The cut of decision for foggy minds.
The grip of leadership to head us to the good.
The willingness to take a chance in a doubtful situation.
The confidence to hold true in the face of ridicule.
The independence to stand alone and be counted.
The road map to life when we’ve gone astray.
The urge to “take arms against a sea of troubles and, by opposing, end them.”

I am sure that after you read the above, you immediately had someone in mind that fits the description. Cholerics are known – they are not afraid to be “out there”. They are always reaching and succeeding.

*“While Sanguines are talking and Melancholies are thinking, Cholerics are achieving.”

Cholerics are often outgoing and optimistic. They communicate openly with people and you will always know where they stand.

They will crusade for injustice – with a compulsiveness to make things right.

They are not afraid of opposition. They can stand their ground.
They exude confidence.

Proverbs 11:14 TLB
Without leadership, a nation is in trouble, but with good counselors there is safety.

*(from Personality Plus by Florence Littauer)


Jennifer Bacak said...

We know a good Choleric, don't we?

Anonymous said...

who you talking about sis?

