Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I love books!

Cicero said "A room without books is like a body without a soul." My bedroom definitely has soul because it seems to overflow with books. My bedside table is always stacked with several books that I am trying to read at once. I think it is a crime to throw books away and I find it really difficult to part with books even after I have read them. I have taken them to Half-Price Books on occasion and come away with 25 cents per book.
I ran across an ad in Today's Christian Woman magazine that I found interesting. Christian Library International lends Christian books to the public through small outreach libraries located in YMCAs and distributes Christian books to prisons, homeless shelters, airport chaplains, hospitals, USOs and international missions. They also sponsor a program called Angel Book Mission where they send brand new, gift wrapped, prayed over, Christian children's books to the children in homeless shelters, orphanages and detention centers.

I think I can part with my books a little more easily if I know they are going to someone who would love to read them. You can go to for more information.


Amanda said...

That is awesome!! I am passionate about my books too. This is a great idea for some of the ones I will never read again!!

Jennifer Bacak said...

I may try to do that. We overflow with books as well. Must be hereditary.

Unknown said...

i love this idea! thanks for the information!